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Ellis Island was the port of entry for more than 22 Million Immigrants, passengers and crew members before they were allowed to go into New York.  Half of all Americans can trace their genealogy back to at least one person who passed at some time through the Port of New York.  A 27.5 acre site located just minutes from Manhattan Island; “The Ellis Island Experience” lasted from about 1892 to 1924.  Images show conditions aboard the ships, shots of the Ellis Island Dining Room, immigrant processing stills, and close-up views of the clothing worn by newly arrived immigrants.  You can access the indexed manifests of these immigrants by visiting one of The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints Family History Centers or by visiting the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Contrary to popular belief not all immigrants traveling through Ellis Island were from just Western Europe.


English Settlers in Barbados, 1637-1800 is a data set containing page images from three volumes of Barbadian Church Records and Probate.  Approximately 200,000 individuals are referenced here, dating all the way back to Barbados’ original settlement in 1627.  The volumes were compiled by Joanne McRee Sanders and available in CD-ROM format at The Genealogical Publishing Company ( They were copied during the mid-nineteenth century and many of the settlers eventually moved to the mainland.  Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries many mainland Americans could trace their origins in the New World first to Barbados. In fact, there was a continuous flow of settlers from Barbados, to virtually every point along the Atlantic seaboard at this time.

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Against the Maroons, Who Fled From South Carolina and Other Slave States,
Seeking protection under Spanish Laws


During the early part of the nineteenth century, the United States conducted a brutal campaign to re-enslave Blacks who escaped slavery and found freedom in Native American settlements in Florida.  Exiles of Florida is an account of events that occurred around the time of the Florida Indian Wars.  These were waged by U.S. forces against an unoffending community of Blacks and Native Americans. Both groups were viewed as a threat to the status quo and the expansionist anthem of an emerging America. This article is an early indictment of the epic struggle waged by Africans and Native Americans in America.

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